Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Ain't the Library Great?

Libraries are the type of institution that the founding fathers musta had in mind when they were looking to establish a viable democracy. Your local library is so many things; not only is it full of great ficiton, non-fiction, childrens and reference books, but it serves as a community resource as follows:

1. Information for job seekers

2. Information about colleges, universtities, and vocational schools.

3. Public access to the internet.

4. Available public space for formal meetings.

5. The "third place", not work or home, that Starbucks aspires to be (but isn't).

Those are a few library uses that I can remember. Without further ado, here is my current library anecdote.

We've been going weekly to score books for my son Max, who is four. Life is much more interesting with a constant flow of books through our lives! Thus, the library. Naturally, Serena and I grab reading material for ourselves when we are there too. So, I pick up "The Complete Idiots Guide to Growing Your Business With Google".

Huh? My business needs a web site???? All my web energy so far has been pitched towards maintaining a decent site for my cartoon/comic book business. I always had enough T-Shirt clients that it did not matter if I had a site.

NO MORE! With my move from Oakland to Portland this year, ME NEED CLIENTS! So, Manx Media needs a T-Shirt web site. It took this book to bonk me on the noggin' and see how I could make it really work, in terms of generating clients, putting up a site that makes good use of google resources for business sites.

SEE THE RESULT: Yes, another stupid web site to look at!

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